Saturday, October 25, 2008

its almost Halloween

So we have been getting a lot of Halloween stuff from the donators, and in our section Julia and I end up decorating a lot of the time. So I got some pictures.

This plastic spider had a suction thing on it that actually did stick to our LT's head.

Alright I'm sorry, but right now I don't have any other pictures for you. The reason is the internet is going too slow to load any more. I will have some more for you guys later. Have a good one everyone!


Trisha said...

Oh - too funny that the spider stuck to his head! It looks like you are all managing to have fun! Happy Halloween a little early!

dlyn said...

You put a darned spider on your blog????

Tonjia said...

OMG!! that is hysterical! where did you get the cool spider?

Happy Halloween to our favorite soldier!

LittleFoots said...

I hope you have a good Halloween!

Weezee said...

eeeewwww that spider is creepy!

Lauren said...

Julia is afraid of spiders too, and she wouldn't even look at that thing

Lori said...

Just wanted to pop over from your Mom's blog and say Happy Birthday! My little guy has the same special day as you!
Be safe and we will say a prayer for you all there.