Well for the past few weeks I have wanted to try something new with my hair. You see at home I go about once a month and get a pedicure, and that is my beauty for that month. It’s not much but it does keep me feeling good. Well here they don’t have that kind of thing, but they do have some very nice Iraqi men who can do hair. I went in this morning looking for something new, I don’t want a hair cut because then I might not be able to put it up as well. Hmmmm…. I think I might go for highlights! So I did, I told him what I wanted through an interpreter and he did the highlights. I wish I had a picture of the in between, but I don’t. But anyway the highlights were terrible, at first. He saw the look of dismay when he unveiled the hair, and I really felt like I was going to throw up. You see I thought the highlighting resembled a skunk or maybe a zebra. Well he put in a reducer, and they came out just right, not too much lighter than my real hair, but to me it looks like it’s a little lighter all over.

Well that is the finished product I think it looks nicely understated. It’s a little hard to see in this picture. Anyway the man that was doing my hair was so nice, because as you can see I am not lacking in the hair department, so he had to spend a lot of time. Then I had a little freak out at the unveiling, he soothed me and said he could fix it, and it turned out really nice. When he was in the middle of painting on the reducer, I was thinking well I can just have mom send me a few boxes of like coloring and I will have my roommate Jani dye it for me and this whole thing will be cleared up. Then he fixed it and I was so happy that I didn’t have to look like a skunk for month.

See look what a happy camper I am! I know it seems a little frivolous, but I need to have something to do on my off days than sit here on the computer all day. It was record hot today, but it was still fun to go over and get my hair done. Julia went with me and got a hair cut, that took about 15 minutes. Mine took about 2 hours, so kudos to her for being patient and waiting for me. Thanks Julia.