With this one if you look very carefully you can see a little bit of cloud way up there. If your looking at the horizon thinking oh there it is, your looking at the wrong thing that is actually sand that has been blowing all night. and for part of yesterday. I have one other one that is a pretty good picture.
This last one shows the difference a few seconds can make to a sun rise. I like it much better than the first. By the way I just wanted to also share that sunrise seems to happen quite a bit earlier here than anywhere I have ever been in my life. The first rays of light start to show over the horizon at about 4 am.
God BLESS you! Thank you! I pray you'll be home soon too!
That looks like a very "quiet" sky. I hope it stayed that way!
That sky sure is gray :) But seriously, THANK YOU for your selflessness and commitment to our country. Be safe and come home soon. Rich
Great shots Lauren - I would sure miss clouds and rain though. Love you!
Cool catch for SWF!! Mine's up too hope you can drop by. Happy weekend!
Omimous looking sky. Safe Safer and your husband safer.
Great shot, Lauren.
This is a kind of photos I like: very interesting pictures.
Pietro Brosio Gallery
ok now that is one barren sky!! Do you see clouds much?
Great picture, thanks for sharing your world right now with us Lauren.
Wondering if you could get some good shots of the moon next time it is full over there. The sky seems really big there! Hope you get to come home soon. Thanks for all you have sacrificed to serve our country. :D
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
great pics have nice weekend
Oh boy, all I can say is that I've thought you were a brave soldier ... now I know you are .... trusting an Iraqi man with your beaitiful hair! Does the Army give metals for that?
The final results look very nice.
Sometimes it is not the sky behind but the image in fron that matters most.
Forgive this part of my comment as this is done by Copy & Paste.. but with over 300 to visit and check I am sure you will understand...
May I thank you on behalf of the Sky Watch team for your post this week and for helping to make Sky Watch special.
Tom :O)
HI! You don't know me, your mother doesn't really know me, we just know each others' blogs! I read hers today which lead me to yours today!
My eyes filled with tears on both blogs, not pity, not sympathy, just sooooo blessed by both of you! Thank you, thank you for what you are doing. Your life is a testimony of so many things. Thank you for your service and commitment to our country and our Lord.
I will be praying for you! You and your mother both have such a great sense of humor that make your blogs fun!
Beth - this is dlyn and I just wanted to thank you for your comments today. It meant a lot to me and I know it will to Lauren as well. I can't seem to get on your blog today for some reason, so I hope you get this in your email. God Bless!
Hello! I found your blog today through your mom's blog from the I am Bossy blog.
Just wanted to say, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! And God Bless You!
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