Now I will be the first to admit our over all situation in this part of the world is very good compared to how some others have it. But this storm really dampened my spirits! The sand is still every where from it, and we had to spend a lot of extra time cleaning the hospital after it had passed through. And to add injury to insult my allergies were really bad during it! Ok I'm done with the complaining. Here is a picture of what it normally looks like at about the same angle and the same time of day.
However not all is bad with the world, here is one of Julia crawling under her bed to clean it out. She stayed under there for quite awhile so I decided to take her picture. At one point an arm reached out and tried to grab my leg, but not to fear I jumped away in time.
Also I noticed, while I was reading through some of your blogs, that some of you are planning on sending some stuff to us. I wanted to let you know in advance that we really appreciate anything that you are able to send. The list that mom has up on her site is a very good list, that I helped make. The only thing I can think of that we really need that may not be there is shaving cream, and mens deoderant. Thanks again.
Wow - that looks worse than when Grandpa was cutting hay next door! I can't believe you went out to take a picture of it!
I didn't I just cracked my door, and took the picture. I had to go out in it, though, because it lasted for 2 days!
Good Lord!! The picture looks orange!!! I'm starting a box as well for you sweetie!! Hang in there! How much longer is your tour? The other young lady is a cutie! Ya'll be safe!!!hughugs
great googley moogley! that is wicked! I'll bet it penetrates everything doesnt it?
I am making a box too :-) will add shaving cream and mens deoderant to it!
Happy 4th of July to the people who fight so we can celebrate. May God Bless you all!
Amazing what mother nature can do. Watch your electronics. Getting that sand in a camera is a killer. Yup, will be putting a box together for you as well. I will throw some cream and deodorant in there. Gotta make sure those guys at smell decent.
You tell all your fellow soldiers Thank You for allowing us back here to continue to celebrate Independence Day in peace. We love you all.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I don't have time today but I will be back and check your blog out.
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