Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dinty Moore Beef Stew

Well about a week ago I got a package from my hubby. He sent me some things that I asked for plus some special things he thought I would like. Among those things was a six pack of Dinty Moore Beef Stew. I know that a lot of people don't consider this to be a delicacy but rather more like dog food (Steve). It is one of my favorite things even when I'm not here. Only at home I like to make it on the stove top and put some red wine in it. I'm not allowed to have wine here...sob.
Anyway when Steve sent me this box I don't think he realized how happy it was going to make everyone.

Doesn't Julia look happy. She said she usually can only eat half a can, but that she couldn't stop because it was so good.

I know I look like pure evil in this picture, but my eyes always turn red it pictures.

Jani had hers with a sandwich, she always knows how to make everything better.

These are some of the guys that work in the EMT, they were also excited about getting some Dinty Moore Beef Stew.

Thanks again babe from the whole gang!


Anonymous said...

I still say that stuff is more like dog food than it should be, but I do understand that some people like it. I don't judge, I have a 6 3/4 pound can of ravioli that always makes me smile when I see it. Love you! Glad everyone enjoyed it.

Trisha said...

Too funny! Glad to know that you are getting some of the comforts of home over there! Your hubby is so great to send it even when he doesn't like it himself! What a guy!

dlyn said...

I know I should not like DMBS but I love it. I guess I know what to send you for Christmas!

Ellyn said...

Mom, I hope the food snobs who visit your blog don't see your comment here. They will shun you.

Lauren, I love how Julia is eating right from the can. It's that good.

dlyn said...

I know, right? I will be in disgrace!

Tami said...

What a sweetie of a hubby. Glad everyone enjoyed some home comfort.


Tonjia said...

ok I confess, if it werent for Dinty Moore Beef Stew, I would not have eaten lunch my senior year in High School. We ate it every day.

I love it too!