I know he looks a little strange in this picture, but I can assure you that is his, why are you taking my picture you already have pictures of me look. That one was taken when we were on my four day pass right before I left. That is a signature steve look that I love. He has been doing fine since I left, keeping busy with school and now work for the summer. Right now he is working with his daddy on a house that his father owns, I think he may also be getting a summber job sometime in here at a deli where he worked last year. When I am home we live in a huge house that also houses three other guys, they are crazy and loud but I love all of them and I miss them.
Well I was going to go and put on another picture but my internet is too slow I can't get it to load. So I will describe it for you, the other one has steve with a beard, a red beard. He seems to pick up more and more pigment in his hair the further down his face it is. I'm sorry I think I said that wrong the way I said it makes it sound gradual, its not. The hair goes from being white blonde to bright red in 1 milimeter, the change is amazing. As you may hear again I am not fond of facial hair, so for my birthday every year he shaves it off. Well this year I pulled the Iraq card to make him shave it for a little longer, and I think he might keep it shaved. Some people here say he doesn't even look like the same person with a beard. I'm here to tell you he is.
So I have a little story that will either make you laugh or be gross to you. A few years ago I made something for dinner that had a lot of cheese in it, Steve ate it and enjoyed it. Later that night I was snuggling with him and I said "Hey your beard smells like cheese". It stuck and I started saying it kind of often because I didn't like the beard, well my army friends heard my say it one time and they started saying "the cheese beard" too. Its funny because it is an orangey kind of color. Well now there is not a cheese beard, so its ok. Alright I have nothing left to add today, excpet that you can go and see this post my Mom did about Steve on her blog last year: The Snowman Post.
Cheese beard just sounds wierd to me - though I admit it does look a little cheesy. In a good way though
Awwww he's just so cute!
I love that why are taking my picture look! So pained!
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