Julia calls them pogs, you remember pogs? Those little discs the kids used to collect? Well now they really are worth something, granted its only pocket change but still. You should have seen the look on Julia's face when she got them back, like what is this? Don't think just because I'm small I'm going to let you get away with giving me card board instead of real money. I gave them my money and they gave me these, is this worth anything at all. Well anyway I just wanted to let everyone know they are giving our troops fake money over here...Until tomorrow. :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
your change is a dollar even
They don't have change in Kuwait. I don't know what else I can add to this sentence except maybe they have change and it isn't american, or maybe they have it just not here, but there is no actual metal change. Instead the army has devised another way for us to get our change.

Julia calls them pogs, you remember pogs? Those little discs the kids used to collect? Well now they really are worth something, granted its only pocket change but still. You should have seen the look on Julia's face when she got them back, like what is this? Don't think just because I'm small I'm going to let you get away with giving me card board instead of real money. I gave them my money and they gave me these, is this worth anything at all. Well anyway I just wanted to let everyone know they are giving our troops fake money over here...Until tomorrow. :)
Julia calls them pogs, you remember pogs? Those little discs the kids used to collect? Well now they really are worth something, granted its only pocket change but still. You should have seen the look on Julia's face when she got them back, like what is this? Don't think just because I'm small I'm going to let you get away with giving me card board instead of real money. I gave them my money and they gave me these, is this worth anything at all. Well anyway I just wanted to let everyone know they are giving our troops fake money over here...Until tomorrow. :)
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As long as they keep paying you the real thing!
You should try them at Wal-Marts when you get home and see what they say.
They do look like pogs! I had forgotten all about those things.
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